Save time with everything you need at your fingertips for the entire year! This full year math program covers ALL UNITS of the grade 8 Ontario math curriculum – lessons, practice worksheets, review activities and assessments!
This resource goes FAR beyond worksheets! We use research-based, best practices in our lessons and assessments. Students develop their Knowledge, Application, Thinking, and Communication skills in a way that will prepare them for success in higher grades.
Distance Learning? Online education?
Originally, these lessons were intended for use in the classroom. However, we’ve received a great deal of feedback that they have been used very effectively by online teachers as well. SAVE YOURSELF THE TIME AND STRESS of creating lessons!
Tips to Use the Resource Effectively(Click Here to See Teacher’s Notes)
Suggested Course of Study (Click Here to Preview)
This is a copy of the Course of Study. Links are activated when you purchase and download the file from TpT.
UNIT OUTLINE (Click Here to Preview one of our Unit Outlines)
This is a copy of the unit outline. Links are activated when you purchase and download the file from TpT.
LESSON PLANS (Click Here to Preview one of our lessons)
Please Note: Answers and Teacher Notes are included in the lessons.
The newest version is Google Slides. I project these in my classroom for students to see. It reduces photocopies and makes life much easier because the setup is done in advance.
We have created lessons that correspond to each of the expectations of the Ontario curriculum. All lessons follow a 3-part format including expectations, learning goals, examples, minds-on activities, action activities, extension/discussion activities, and consolidation activities. In some instances, there are two lessons to cover an expectation because of the depth and/or difficulty. I would suggest you move on at a pace appropriate for your students.
Digital Classroom Slides (2021 Update)
We have created a copy of the lessons that can be shared in your Digital Classroom. The slides are the same but the Teacher’s Notes and Answers have been removed.
UNIT WORKBOOK (2021 Update) (Click Here to Preview)
Upon request, we created a collection of practice worksheets that address each expectation of the curriculum. Teachers can print the sheets for their students or share them directly in their digital classroom.
2022 Update: We’ve created a self-checking version of the workbook using Easel.
Give your students to work on the material in a different way. I use this as an opportunity to spend some time with GUIDED GROUPS (Questions included) for the first half of the period and monitor/assess during the second half of the period. If you have a challenging class, this can a difficult routine to establish, but well worth the effort!
I give the students the Study Guide at the beginning of the unit and have them meet with me periodically before the test to ensure they understand the material.
TRACKING TEMPLATES to help you record student learning and grades.
We suggest that you open the BONUS file. It will direct you to a Course of Study that contains links to all of the individual units as well as the included materials.
Please Note: If you prefer not to follow the 2020 curriculum, the original versions of the units are available as well.
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Copyright © Past the Potholes Ltd. All rights reserved.
This item is bound by copyright laws under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Teachers may share with their own students in class or through password-protected sites only (for example, Google Classroom).
Permission is for single-classroom use only. Please purchase discounted additional licenses if you intend to share this product.