Grade 4 Full Year Bundle: Ontario Math Curriculum 2020



Relax knowing your entire year of math is planned and ready for you to teach! This comprehensive, EDITABLE math program covers ALL UNITS of the grade 4 Ontario math curriculum – engaging lessons, hands-on activities, worksheets, math centre task cards, games, assessments.




All prices in Canadian Dollars. To shop in USD go to TPT.


Original price was: $207.50.Current price is: $150.00.

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Relax knowing your entire year of math is planned and ready for you to teach! This comprehensive, EDITABLE math program covers ALL UNITS of the grade 4 new Ontario math curriculum 2020 – collaborative 3-part lessons, hands-on activities, worksheets, math centre task cards, games, assessments and more.

This is NOT a collection of worksheets! We use research-based, best practices in our lessons and assessments. Students develop their Knowledge, Application, Thinking, and Communication skills in a way that will prepare them for success in higher grades.


**When purchasing, always download the BONUS FILE to gain easy access to EVERYTHING in one click (you can ignore the other files)**



✔ Everything is fully editable (just make a copy)
✔ Lessons and activities use research-based best practices
✔ In-person and digital options for face-to-face and distance learning
✔ Text isn’t locked to allow text-to-speech software for student accommodations
✔ Pages are set to 8.5×11 for easy printing
✔ Almost all files are Google Slides files with PDF versions

This is NOT a collection of print-and-go worksheets! Students will collaborate and problem solve their way to a deeper understanding of math concepts while enjoying your math class!



⇧  ⇧   Please download the detailed PREVIEW for each unit to get a clear idea of what you can expect with your purchase   ⇧  ⇧


✔  13 complete units to teach the entire 4th grade curriculum. SEE BELOW FOR INDIVIDUAL UNIT CONTENTS
✔  Teacher instructions to help you implement the units in your classroom, links to websites that can provide additional practice and various forms of assessment.
✔  BONUS – Bell ringer suggested template for use throughout the year
✔  BONUS – optional math notebook template
✔  BONUS – Week-by-week suggested course of study for teaching (year at a glance/long range plan) hyperlinked for easy access to units and lessons
✔  BONUS – Grade 4 Math Report Card Comments for the year INCLUDED (available for purchase separately)


EACH UNIT CONTAINS **First 20 Days differs**:
✔  Unit Outline for teachers with hyperlinks to most important content
✔  Expectations chart for students and parent communication
✔  Concept page(s) for student notebooks/assessment *number varies depending on the unit*
✔  Three-part math lessons for each big idea with a formative assessment for each lesson (number varies depending on the unit)
✔  Blackline masters as needed
✔  PDF Teaching Guide for each lesson to make planning and teaching a breeze
✔  Practice worksheets with digital versions for distance learning
✔  Balanced Math Centre activities
✔  Interactive Notebook pages ***only available in some units at this point – more to be added***
✔  Vocabulary packages with glossaries and Word Wall cards
✔  Whole-class review game/activity or culminating project
✔  Final unit tests with digital versions for online teaching or hybrid classrooms
✔  Answers to unit tests


INCLUDED UNITS (click on each for more detailed information):
✔  First 20 Days of Math (A1, A2)
✔  Number Sense (B1)
✔  Operations (B2)
✔  Patterning (C1)
✔  Algebra (C2)
✔  Coding (C3)
✔  Data Literacy (D1)
✔  Probability (D2)
✔  Geometric Reasoning AND Location & Movement combined (E1)
✔  Elapsed Time (E2)
✔  Measurement (E2)
✔  Financial Literacy (F)

Units are available individually but this bundle gives you everything for the entire year at a great discount! PLUS BONUS FILES – LISTED ABOVE!



*** This is a GOOGLE DRIVE product. The download includes the cover page and teacher pages, with a link and instructions to a Google Drive folder containing all other included files. If you don’t have Google Drive, it is free and easy to sign up! ***


NOTE: this is not designed to teach the math to teachers. It is expected that you have a working knowledge of the content area. However, teaching notes, ANSWER KEYS and DIRECT TEACHING slides are included where appropriate.

You, the teacher, still play a vital role in using this product. To get the most out of these materials, the teacher is expected to be actively circulating, questioning, and discussing the concepts covered.


♻ We strive to be environmentally conscious by creating digital products. Please don’t print more than is necessary!


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Copyright © Past the Potholes Ltd. All rights reserved.

This item is bound by copyright laws under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Teachers may share with their own students in class or through password-protected sites only (for example, Google Classroom).

Permission is for single classroom use only. Please purchase discounted additional licenses if you intend to share this product.

File Type

EDITABLE, Google Apps (via PDF link)

Grade Level

Grade 4

Resource Type




Download Details


This is a Google Drive resource.  You will download a PDF with a link to a Google Drive folder.  Files are EDITABLE Google Slides.  You need a free Google account to access this resource.  *It is best to use a personal Google account as some school districts block outside files*


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Cover image for full year bundle of Grade 4 new Ontario math curriculum 2020.Grade 4 Full Year Bundle: Ontario Math Curriculum 2020
Original price was: $207.50.Current price is: $150.00.